* Updated March 1999
At the beginning of each year, the College Board invites
all members of the community to nominate for election to the Board. Nominees
need not be parents of the school. The school faces major decisions each
year and requires the expertise of a cross section of the community to
help it shape its future. Board members meet once a month on the second
Tuesday of the month. In addition, Board members are invited to take on
a portfolio requiring minimal additional time.
The Annual General Meeting of the school board is held
on the second Tuesday of February at which time all positions become vacant.
Parent Representative - Kindergarten: The role of the
parents’ representative is to ensure that a warm and constructive relationship
exists between the board and parents. Regular social activities should
be organized to strengthen the bonds of friendship between parents, teachers,
pupils and board members. Parents should be encouraged to express their
views on matters which concern them. The parent’s representative role is
to help ensure that issues are raised in an appropriate manner (according
to school policy) and are effectively resolved.
1. Hand washing is the most important way of controlling
infection. The most effective way to prevent the transmission of disease
is to wash your hands well. When washing hands use soap and warm water,
and rub vigorously as you wash them.
2. When to wash your own hands:
before handling food;
before eating;
after going to the toilet or assisting children in the toilet;
after changing the children’s soiled clothing;
after cleaning up faeces, vomit or blood;
after wiping a nose, whether a child’s, or your own;
before administering first aid.
3. When to wash the children’s hands:
before eating;
after going to the toilet;
after touching nose secretions.
4. It is the responsibility of staff members to remind the
children that washing their hands will help stop the spread of germs that
cause sickness.
5. Staff members should wear disposable gloves when changing
a child who has wet or soiled their pants, or when cleaning up faeces,
vomit or blood.
Medication can only be administered by staff when parents/guardians
complete the medication log, and provided:
The medication is in the original container
The medication is clearly labeled
The medication has not expired
The medication is prescribed for the recipient
The correct dosage and time is entered on the record sheet.
General Hygiene:
staff model good hygiene and encourage table manners;
staff oversee and encourage thorough hand washing;
children are encouraged to dispose of used tissues;
parents are given health ;and hygiene information via noticeboards
and the newsletter.
Children are encouraged to establish good eating habits
using a well balanced diet from the five food groups. In addition the Kindergarten
encourages children to eat a wide range of nutritious foods, and to limit
salt and sugary foods. The food preparation area is very small so parents
are asked to prepare children’s lunches and snacks. Meat and shellfish
are never brought to the Kindergarten for Kashrut reasons.
Special Procedures:
purchased food (when for the group) must be on the updated
Melbourne or NSW Kosher list.
non damaged foods are to be used
refrigerated foodstuffs to be placed in the kindergarten
refrigerator as soon as possible
for kashrut reasons home foods and children’s lunches
may not be put in the refrigerator
children do not eat food or use utensils that have fallen
on the floor or food that has been handled by another child
children are taught not to return food that has been touched
to the communal bowl. Therefore, children are encouraged to decide what
they want before picking out some food from the bowl. A separate bowl is
provided for scraps
Drinking and eating utensils are not used by more that one
child each time
For reasons of hygiene and keeping kosher, children are discouraged
from sharing food although the concept of sharing in general is encouraged
staff encourage the children to eat their sandwich first
before eating any other snacks
the Kindergarten supplies fresh milk in the morning and water
on tap
parents send in one quality piece of fruit as well as whatever
is eaten for lunch and snacktimes. The fruit is to be left in the basket
near the door at drop-off time.
For reasons of keeping kosher, children must not bring in
meat or meat products to the centre. All pre-packaged foods brought into
the centre should be kosher where it is possible to determine
staff encourage children to become familiar with an eating
and mealtime routine. However, if a child is hungry between the routine
meal times staff allow the child to eat something light.
Parent volunteers are used in the cutting up of fruit each
morning under the guidance of staff
signs in the kitchen indicate to volunteers and staff the
correct handling procedures for food
the kitchen is to be used for food and food preparation only.
Other items are under no circumstances to be left on bench tops or sinks.
Food must never be left on an unclean surface
hands must be washed thoroughly with soap before wiping tables,
before, during and after preparing food, and before and after assisting
children at meal times
all surfaces are to be cleaned thoroughly before they are
used for the preparation of food
food is not prepared by people who are, or have been, ill
with diarrhoea or other contagious diseases
utensils must be washed in hot soapy water
if not eaten immediately, food must be covered once prepared
and appropriately stored
no utensils other than those from the centre are to be washed
in the kitchen sink
on occasion, kosher birthday cakes are supplied. Food is
also supplied on occasions for Shabbat and festivals
each week during warm weather, we offer icy poles to the
children on Tuesday morning
staff are to be made aware of children with special dietary
needs. After discussion with parents and staff, consideration will be made
to accommodate accordingly
for kashrut reasons, children eat their food on their
own food wrappers or from their lunch box.
Because the Kindy normally only accepts children who are
toilet-trained (see Policy for Enrolment of Students With Special Needs),
no nappy facilities are normally available and the centre does not have
change facilities. There is a changing facility and disabled toilet within
a few metres of the centre.
children are encouraged to flush toilets after use
children are not allowed to relieve themselves in the Kindy
staff clean and disinfect bathrooms daily and remove rubbish
pictorial signs in toilets display the correct use of the
toilet as well as good hygiene practices
While mattress covers remain the property of the Victor Ades
Memorial Kindergarten, each child uses a particular mattress cover (named)
during the year.
On the last weekday each week, parents must take home the
mattress cover for laundering and return it on the first weekday of the
following week
where a cover has not returned by the following session,
a spare cover will be provided for up to 3 days which must also be laundered
by the parent.
Mattresses are put away after use in such a way that mattress
covers do not touch each other during storage.
It is our responsibility to keep a record of children’s immunisations.
Information for parents is also available from the Department
of Health, local health clinics, local councils, and local doctors or hospitals.
The Public Health (Amendment) Act 1992 requires parents of
all children enrolling in child care facilities and pre-schools from 1994,
to provide documented evidence of the child’s immunisation status.
Details of the child’s immunisation will be recorded at the
time of enrolment. The child’s immunisation record will be checked regularly
and updated when necessary.
The evidence produced by the parent regarding the child’s
immunisation status must be signed and dated by their doctor, and must
include information regarding the date and type of each immunisation received.
It is recommended that all children be fully immunised for their age before
commencing at the centre.
Information is available for parents about when a child needs
immunising, and the location of nearby immunisation clinics.
Diseases prevented by immunisation are:
Whooping Cough
Haemophilias influenza type B (HIB)
If a parent chooses not to have their child immunised, then
the child is excluded from care during an outbreak of a disease that is
prevented by immunisation.
Directors must notify the Public Health Unit as soon as they
are aware that a child in their care has contracted a vaccine-preventable
disease. A child who is not immunised will be excluded from the centre
if a condition usually prevented by immunisation occurs at the centre.
Staff will be also up to date with their immunisation.
Immunisation schedules are available from the Health Department,
local councils and health centres.
If any of the children at the centre contract an infectious
disease, a notice will be displayed advising the parents of the illness,
and the signs and symptoms.
The parent of the asthmatic child is to clearly demonstrate
to (and write down for) staff members generally responsible for the child,
the correct procedure for the administration of asthma medication. In addition
to this, the parent is to sign a medication permission form, as with other
Any changes to the standard procedure are to be advised to
the staff members by the parent under doctor’s directions.
The responsibility of the management of the child’s condition
lies with the child’s family, and the child’s physician. Under no circumstances
will staff members change the dosage of medication without referring to
the child’s family first. It is the responsibility of staff members to
advise parents of any observations made of a change in the child’s condition.
At enrolment parents are to complete an ‘Asthma Emergency
Form’, which is to list the procedure if the child has an attack whilst
at the centre.
Physical touching from caregiver to child is an important
part of quality care and nurturing. Acceptable touching includes hugging
(for example to greet or farewell a child, or to comfort), having a child
sit on your lap, rocking (for example to assist them in sleeping), rubbing
their back (for example to reassure and comfort, kissing (for example an
injured finger) etc. Touching for hygiene reasons includes changing children’s
clothes, bathing, assisting with toileting etc. Children’s genitals should
only be touched lightly when necessary for cleansing purposes’
Children always have the right to refuse an adult’s touch,
and need to be taught about acceptable and unacceptable touches in a non-threatening
Outside the centre
In cases where staff members suspect a child is being
subjected to abuse or neglect outside the centre, the procedure outlined
below should be followed.
Any suspicions should be reported to the director as soon
as possible, even gut feelings. Any bruising or signs of suspected physical
abuse should be recorded immediately as they are noticed. The director
or primary caregiver is to note down any incidents of concern regarding
the child, which will be stored separately from the child’s attendance
file. Staff members need to make themselves aware of their duties and responsibilities
in regard to making notifications of possible child abuse. In South Australia
early childhood workers are required by law to report this information
to appropriate authorities. It is then up to the authorities to decide
if the incident needs to be taken further.
Suspected neglect and emotional abuse may have to be noted
down over a period of time before there is sufficient reason to contact
the authorities. For this purpose, any incident should be recorded, with
the date and signature of the relevant staff person, in order to maintain
an accurate record, and this record is to remain in the locked filing cabinet.
Within the centre
If there is any reason to question a parent’s or staff
member’s actions with a child then it should be brought to the director’s
immediate attention.
The following actions may indicate possible areas of concern:
Staff members (or other adults) who spend time with the same
children, or constantly single out the same children on an individual basis,
perhaps neglecting other children who also need their attention.
Staff members (or other adults) who isolate individual children
from the group either indoors or outside, except for special educators
who may need to isolate children in order to work with them effectively.
Be aware also if the child gets upset when removed from the group by a
particular person.
Staff members (or other adults) who insist on physical touching
with children who are reluctant to respond, or who may get upset when this
contact is attempted.
Children who appear wary of certain adults and who try to
avoid them. Be careful however of children who are afraid of a particular
attribute of a person. For example men with beards, or people who have
disabilities. It is important to find out from the child’s parents if they
have any particular fears at the enrolment interview.
Staff members who repeatedly spend time with a child out
of sight of other staff; for example, taking them inside when the rest
of the group is outside.
Points to remember
Always follow policies and procedures as directed.
Be aware of your actions, and those of other staff, as children
may misunderstand your intentions.
When changing a child’s clothing, inform staff members what
you are doing, complete it as quickly as possible, and return the child
to the rest of the group as soon as possible.
If working on a one-to-one basis with a child, try to do
so within the room or the yard, avoid removing them from the rest of the
Become aware of various cultural differences in child rearing
practices, this may help to alter any current practices used in the centre
to become more accepted by the parents.
Each staff member will be assigned to work with a particular
group of children, for the calendar year (or partiacular period according
to centre needs). This decision will be made by the director and staff,
according to staff member’s qualifications, experience, preferences, full-time
for part-time status. It is imperative that the children at the centre
receive continuity of care from a regular group of staff members, so they
may build up trusting relationships with their primary caregivers.
There must always be two staff ;membvers rostered on at all
times, and at least one of these is to be a trained staff member. Correct
staff:child ratios as set out by the State licensing body must be adhered
to at all times.
The weekly roster is to allow for flexibility, but this needs
to be carefully balanced with the needs of the children and the parents.
Staff are to be in their room ready to perform thier assigned
duties ;at the scheduled starting time. If staff are unaviodably detained,
please call the centre before your scheduled starting time with your anticipated
time of arrival. When phoning in sick, pleased do so as soon as possible
in the moring after the centre opens.
It is the responsibility of the Director to organise relief
staff if a staff member phones in sick.
The centre amis for continuity of staffing and makes appointments
with this in mind.
Because of the nature of the centre, the centre seeks to
employ at least some staff with a Jewish background.
The centre is conscious when appointing, of various anti-discriminatory
laws and regulations
The centre seeks to employ staff with a sound employment
record or accept students with good recommendations from their lecturers
and supervisors.
Effective record keeping, used in conjunction with a basic
knowledge of child development, is the basis for all planning and programming.
Record keeping is to be contributed to by all staff. Keeping effective
records on every child who attends the centre is an indispensable way to
keep track of, plan effectively for, and evaluate a child’s progress, on
a regular basis.
There are a number of forms of acceptable record keeping.
Staff, in consultation with parents and Director, will find the method,
or combination of methods that best suit the centre.
Anecdotal records should give descriptions of a child’s behavior,
skills and actions. These should be factual, non-judgmental records of
what actually happened during the observation period, which can be interpreted
according to theories of child development at a later time. These entries
can then be sorted into the various developmental areas, as a basis for
individual planning.
With regard to developmental checklists, the following should
be included:
date of birth
attendance pattern
commencement date at the centre
general background
special needs, home language and ethnicity, child rearing
practices etc.
a checklist of developmentally appropriate behaviours that
divided into developmental areas (for example cognitive,
gross motor etc.)
contains sufficient age appropriate skills to be of assistance
in determining whether a given child or group of children as achieving
‘normal developmental progress’;
items that are objective and measurable and not open to misrepresentation;
dates on which observations and assessments were made;
an indication of the child’s ability with respect to each
item listed;
room for comments;
a summary of the child’s strengths, areas of need etc.;
Records should be laid out in an organised fashion with clearly
defined areas to enable easy completion and visual scanning.
Both centre programs and developmental records should
contain sufficient relevant information to enable persons, other than the
person who developed them, to interpret and implement them.
All programs and developmental records are always to be kept
at the centre in a locked cabinet. These records are at all times to remain
The program of the centre reflects the philosophy and goals
of the centre. Programming is to be based on the needs and interests of
the individual children who attend the centre, and these needs and interests
will be regularly monitored by record keeping, and regular evaluation.
The following elements are to be included in the weekly
General aims and objectives for the whole group. These may
be quite broad.
Aims and objectives specific to individual children or small
groups of children. These should be identified via developmental checklists
and observation, and provide the link between programming and developmental
checklists. As these objectives may be confidential, they may be placed
on the reverse side of the planning sheet or kept in a separate place.
Planned activities for all parts or areas of the centre.
These should include both indoor and outdoor areas, and specific parts
of those areas (eg book corner, home corner, sand pit, climbing equipment
etc.). This section should include rotation of suitable equipment and introduction
of new equipment.
Planned activities for various aspects of child development
(eg gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, language, creative, personal and
social development etc.). This should include a description of how these
skills are going to be fostered, and guidelines for staff members if necessary.
Activities in the program should reflect cross-cultural perspective.
An outline of both free choice activities, and more structured
activities. These should include aims and objectives for both types of
activities. Children should be given the opportunity to have an input into
the program on a regular basis.
Evaluation of activities that reflect the progress of individual
children for whom a particular activity was designed.
The age group for which the program was designed should be
clearly evident.
The dates to which the program applies should be clearly
The programs are to be on display for parents. Parents are
to be included in the consultation process regarding programming.
The trained staff members of the centre are generally responsible
for programming for large and small group activities, as well as for individual
experiences. Untrained staff members are also expected to contribute.
Gross motor
mobility patterns
muscle tone and strength
muscle skills
Fine motor
hand use
sensory competence
receptive language - listening, understanding
expressive language - imagination, factual
Cognitive/adaptive reasoning
problem solving
cause and effect
matching and/or sorting by category
pre-academic skills, for example writing, drawing
memory - short and long term
concepts - colour, shape, size, time
response to others - adults, peers, strangers, separation
from parents
games and play skills
initiative in tasks
fantasy or make-believe play
general behaviour
sleep patterns
Physical appearance
size - height, weight
general health
Daily contact between staff members and parents is an important
part of the program. By sharing information, parents and staff members
can work together to meet the children’s needs.
The staff members should always communicate with parents
in a positive and supportive manner and make every effort to communicate
verbally with each parent on a daily basis
Parents are to be given a six-monthly assessment on their
child and have the opportunity to speak with a staff member formally regarding
any aspect of the child’s development at any time. The purpose of these
conferences is to establish understanding, cooperation, and consistency
between the home and the centre.
Parent enquiries of a general nature, may be dealt with by
a staff member as appropriate. Enquiries from a parent regarding matters
of a more serious or specific nature should be directed to either the staff
member in charge of the room in which the child is cared for, the centre
director, or the delegated person in charge of the centre at the time.
In particular, issues such as fees, enquiries regarding placement of a
child or concerns about a child’s behaviour or development should always
be referred to the director or the delegated person in charge. The director
may then authorise another staff member to discuss the matter with the
parent if appropriate.
Relief staff, and staff members not working directly
with the child, are never to discuss any matters other than the child’s
daily routine, with a child’s parent.
Any concern regarding the care received by a child, the actions
of a staff member, or the management of the child care centre should be
directed immediately to the centre director or the delegated person in
charge. If the director if not present at the time when the parent expresses
a concern or a complaint, the delegated person in charge should take brief
details of the complaint and arrange for the centre director to contact
the parent as soon as possible.
Parents who cannot spare any time to talk with staff members
on a daily basis should be catered for in other ways, eg they may have
a quiet period during their work day when they would welcome a phone call
on their child’s progress.
Victor Ades Memorial Kindergarten aims to keep parents
and caregivers well informed of their child/ren’s progress and development.
The centre also aims to be open and accessible for parents and caregivers
so that they can provide any necessary information about the child that
would help staff to cater for each child’s academic progress, as well as
his/her social, moral, emotional and physical development while s/he is
at Kindergarten
We believe that communication between parents and the
staff is important for the optimal development of each child. Communication
between parent and teacher can occur in many ways:
Staff will contact the parents if there is concern about
a child’s progress or behaviour or when special progress has been noted.
Parents should contact the staff if there is concern about
their child’s progress or behaviour.
Parents should communicate with staff if:
the child is reluctant to attend kindergarten
the child will be absent
there has been a problem at the centre.
Because a child’s emotional state may be affected by changes
within the family, parents or caregivers are encouraged to notify their
child’s teacher about family illnesses or absences from home
Victor Ades Memorial Kindergarten has an open door policy
where parents are welcome to visit at any time
Parents are free to arrange meeting with staff at any time.
The Centre’s primary means of communication on general matters
is through the ‘Massada Musings’ newsletter, and noticeboards.
These are held to provide the staff with an opportunity
to present an overview of their program and curriculum and to outline their
home/kindy expectations.
The orientation evening is held directly after the Massada
College AGM.
Management Committee
Parents are invited to nominate for election to the Centre’s
Management Committee. Elections are normally held early in second term.
Parents & Friends Association
The Parents & Friends Association welcomes anyone
who is interested in serving on the committee. Nominations for executive
positions are called at the beginning of the school year. A small amount
of your time is all that is required.
Special Skill
If you have special skill or interest/hobby which you
would like to share with the children, please contact your child’s
teacher and arrange a suitable time.
Working Bees
From time to time throughout the year we ask families
for help at a working bee, usually on a Sunday morning. Please come along
to school/kindy at such times and help make the school/kindy environment
a better place for your child. These are advertised in the newsletter.
Birthday Cakes
Volunteers are needed to help with baking birthday cakes.
You are asked to advise when you are able to assist.
Volunteers are required for canteen duty on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. A roster is sent home at the beginning of each term, and parents
are asked to advise the dates they are available to help. All families
are asked to offer at least one day per term.
During the year children attend various excursions which
may require parental help with transport. At such times, we call for your
assistance via the newsletter and the noticeboards.
Encourage parents to bring their child to the enrolment interview,
so the child can see the centre and familiarise themselves before their
first day. If possible, allow the child to come to the centre for a few
pre-enrolment visits to give the child and parents time to adjust to the
new setting.
Show parents and children around the centre, including the
bathroom and staff areas. Assist the child in finding their locker, etc.
Introduce all staff members to the parents and the child.
Reassure parents that settling into a new situation takes time, and there
will be a period of adjustment for both child/ren and parents.
Arrival Procedure
At the child’s time of arrival after the centre’s opening
time, the parent or other authorised person brings the child to the centre
and signs the child in on attendance record beside the front door.
Parent puts child’s bag in (named)locker and escorts child
to the morning activity area.
Child is greeted warmly by staff, and any special instructions
for the day are received by staff.
Child says good-bye to parent and is reassured by staff member
and encouraged to appropriate activity.
Departure Procedure
Child is collected by parent or other authorised person.
Staff members are to check authorisation of non-parent by means of enrolment
form, message book, or after seeking verbal permission from parent.
If a person is authorised, the child may be released. If
person is not authorised, staff member should take whatever reasonable
measures they can to keep the child at the centre and notify the custodial
parent of the situation. However, at no time should staff members endanger
themselves or other children at the centre.
Parent or other authorised person collects child’s bag from
their locker, and is informed about the child’s day by staff.
Parent or other authorised person signs child out on attendance
Parent or other authorised person is responsible for the
child as soon as the child leaves the front door of the centre.
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