Following the success of the Kindergarten, Massada College
opened its doors to a mere 4 children in 1976 with classrooms adjacent
to the Fuller Street Victor Ades Memorial Kindergarten. Today, together
with the Kindergarten, Massada College caters for approximately 120 students.
In 1990, in keeping with the ethos of being a Jewish community school,
the Kindergarten and the College moved to their present new premises in
the Jewish community centre in Flemington Street, Glenside where they share
a variety of community resources.
The College also caters for non-Jewish children who are
encouraged to take an active role in all educational activities.
At kindergarten we guide a child's adjustment from home life to school life. This is only the first step in many years of education to follow, but a most important one. We are conscious of the huge responsibility ... and the huge potential!
Kindergaten staff have acquired and continue to acquire a wealth of educational knowledge. We plan educational programmes within a framework of that knowledge and our experience. We understand and value PLAY as the young child's avenue for learning-therefore, we place PLAY at the heart of our curriculum. We are sensitive to each child's individual needs, interests and abilities and aim to assist each to develop to his/her fullest potential.
We have a keen appreciation of the role of emotions in learning: we create a secure, relaxed and warm atmosphere; we help free children from the strain of competition and the pressure of achievement; we protect against tiredness and over-stimulation; we are affectionate and caring; we set limits and establish a clear understanding of acceptable behaviour.
We are singers, storytellers, dancers and musicians! We
see the teaching possibilities using the vast array of materials - natural,
manufactured, real things and even "junk"!
In a natural, enjoyable and INTEGRATED manner we:
You are most welcome to visit our College and meet with
staff by appointment with the Principal.
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